Monday, January 27, 2014

30 day photo challenge

So life is about setting goals and working towards achieving them. I want to be a better photographer, and to do that i have to take more and more photos.
Here is a short term goal a 30 day photo challenge, one photo a day for 30 days.
Here is my list......
if anyone wants to join me.....i would love it!!

Self Portrait 

What I wore today 

Something Green 
(yes i know it was clouds on the list for today, but there isn't a cloud in the sky today)

DAY 4/30

DAY 5/30

DAY 6/30
Low Angle

DAY 7/30


DAY 9/30
Someone you LOVE

DAY 10/30
Childhood memory

DAY 11
Something Blue

DAY 12/30

DAY 13/30
Yourself with 13 things

Day 14/30 EYES

DAY 15/30

Long Exposure 


Your Shoes

Something Orange


Faceless Self Portrait 




Something Pink


From a Distance



Self Portrait

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Sophia

It is the eve of my 3rd daughter's 1st birthday.
something that I never thought I would be experiencing.

What a birth experience it was to bring you into this world, 48 hours of labor, with more then half of that HARD, HARD labor, posterior baby weighing 9.2lbs, I will spare you the details, but know this, it was not an easy task! Maybe you will be a good teenager, I will not hold my breath. lol

one year ago in January 2013, the weather was much like it is this week, -20 degrees for days.

               Oh how my life is different these days! 

My little Sophia, you have changed my world......for the better. You are like sunshine that everyone needs on that cloudy day. Everywhere you go you bring happiness to those you meet. You have a certain smile you share with strangers, it is the I LOVE MY LIFE SMILE !! 

Different then the I LOVE YOU sister smile you greet your sister with every morning or I LOVE YOU daddy smile when you peer over me in our bed to greet your dad's eyes!

This year has been a GREAT one, filed with such happiness. You are so close to walking, but your power crawling seems to suit you better at the moment. You do love pushing your little alligator thing around.
 You have started climbing, and this explains the two bruises you have already had on your face. 

You LOVE the dogs and cats, and I know if Scout is crying it is because you are dragging him by his tail, something that seems awful funny to you. Marshel tries so hard to be gentle with you, but when you weigh 100lbs and you have no control over yourself, it difficult not to knock you down. 
You love to eat, anything and everything, of course you do you are a Flint. I think the only thing you enjoy more then eating is feeding the two beasts, Marshel and Annie who eagerly await the food you drop (on purpose).

You are a beautiful baby girl, who really doesn't love to hug and kiss, but when you do want to snuggle you curl right up and hold on tight and I will stop anything to snuggle you back.  You are a total joker, hiding things and speed crawling to things you know you aren't suppose to touch...because when you get there all you do is laugh. You have a great laugh.
 You LOVE the bath, splashing all around. 
You hate your nails cut. You can now stand on your tip toes to try to peek into the draws that are off limits. You love tape, clear scotch tape, one of your favorite past time is pulling and pulling the tape out of the container. You DESPISE the car, you have been holding me hostage since your birth. I have to plan my day around when and who can drive me places, so I can sit in the back and entertain you, so sad for Sophia in the car. Traveling to NY with Amanda was a fun trip, two pukes three poops later........
You LOVE peek-a-boo, and just started playing back, you love the phone and pressing the buttons, you once called your oldest sister Sarah, we all miss her  oh and you have called 911, I probably shouldn't let you play with the phone anymore.  You absolutely love clapping your hands, and whenever anyone cheers you start to clap, must be from all the hockey games you have been to and watching your sister score!! You love to wave, which is super funny, arm twisting queen like wave... I tease you and say you are practicing for your royal days on the floats. You love to wave but you hate when people leave, you cry every time. 

You are a special little lady, and I am glad you choose me to be your mother.

Your sister Izzy once said, "If i am having a bad day, all i need is a Sophia smile"

Here is to another year of love and smiles

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jeremy Cole

I have lost a friend and his name is Jeremy Cole.
There are so many things to say about him... but what first comes to mind is his smile :)
his smile affected so many people, he could create happiness within you instantly. His eyes would sparkle as soon as his lips creased up.
The joy that came through his eyes, melted hearts...melted my heart.

I first met Jeremy working at the Green Top Market. A small Mom and Pop store in Morristown corners in Vermont. He did almost every job there was there to do there.
As a fellow employee he was a joy to work with, always smiling, always working. He was quiet and shy but extremely funny, in a crazy way.

 I remember him coming into the store as a customer to talk to me about his idea about BBQ burritos. He wasn't kidding.... from then on every time I see BBQ sauce, I think of Jeremy. No i have not tried BBQ burritos, and I am not sure he has, I will have to ask his fiancĂ© Katy. Honestly I think it is a gross idea, but that was just it with Jeremy, he was convincing, he was passionate about things he cared about. I thought about making the burritos many times.

His world was Jasper, his love was Katy, he was an amazing dancer... and I am not talking about grooving around Saturday night to a DJ at a bar, he was a ballroom dancer. He was passionate about TKD and from what I here he was pretty good at that also. He was the sweetest to his brother Anthony, I saw this with my own eyes.
When people saw Jeremy they thought of happiness and love and kindness.

But not many of us knew everything about his life and Katy lived with 100% of what made Jeremy and some of it wasn't pretty. As with all of us there are parts to our lives we keep private, struggles we endure silently or only with close loved ones. Days, or weeks when the world does not make sense. These struggles are real and painful.

When things get to be to much to handle, sometimes we do not know where to turn, this is the ultimate struggle.
We feel alone, even when we are surrounded by people, surrounded by people who love us...but we can not seem to see them.
Jeremy was and IS loved by so many people, he leaves behind a family, a mother, a father, a brother, a fiancé, and a very young son.
the pain that not only these people, but the entire community feels now is tremendous. I am not sure that  tremendous even describes the size of this pain. So many questions that we wish we could ask, so many answers we wish we could hear.
the pain will fade with time........... but the love we all have for jeremy will remain, it has to we are all responsible to help jasper remember this beautiful father. To help Katy raise this amazing little boy, to share our memories with both of them, so they can keep going. To hug Jeremy's parents and continue to remind them that things will get better. To reminded ourselves that people need people everyday, today and tomorrow, and not only in the bad times.... we need to remember to take the time out of our day to remind our loved ones exactly how much they mean to us, because the truth is you may not get another chance.
Jeremy was/is a beautiful sole that struggled with things that some of us will never understand, but if i could guess what Jeremy would want now, is that everyone that he has touched to be happy and to find the goodness in your day. To find someway to love one another even with our differences.

Jeremy sure made me smile, and if i can make someone else feel that happy, maybe then they can make another person smile, and then another, and then another..............
Jeremy would want it that way! he would want Jasper smiling.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

A simple thing most parents probably don't think to do

We spend hundreds of $$ on the safest car seat, and even more $$ on a family safe car but here is A simple thing most parents probably don't think to do.
I know I never thought about it until I read this article this morning.
God forbid something like this happens to your family!
please pass it along, "CHAD, Children have an identity"

Friday, January 3, 2014

Today a high of -5

8am-So I thought yesterday was least it warmed up yesterday to be above 0 at some point durning the day. Today's high is -5, and it was -11 when i woke up.
Having a car starter when you live in Vermont is a LUXURY, but today has proven to be too cold for even that to work.
Last year at this time I was  39weeks pregnant and waiting....... the week my little Sophia was born it was -15 to -20 everyday, durning the day!!
 I am not sure if you know this but I have horses, and let me say this it is a LOT of work to care for them in the winter. Everything is frozen, although we have a heater for our 100 gallon water tank, for some reason it was not in the tank until after the baby was born.
 When baby Sophia was coming, that wonderful 48hour labor I had, her sister Izzy was home caring for all the animals, 4 horses, 3 dogs, 2 cats while attending high school. She is a superstar!
So anyway, the freaking cold.........
I have a Bernese Mountain dog that would rather be inside in this weather.
this is Marshel in his 1st year, he is the cutest thing ever, he is now 4

I love Vermont don't get me wrong but I am not sure I signed up for this. Why can't Winter share more time with Summer, or Spring, or even Fall. Let's make things a little more even, what do you say?
At least we can look forward to the low tonight of -22 degrees
So on the agenda for me today....stay inside ;)
How do you deal with the cold?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Winter Day brrrr

Getting ready on a -1 degree day takes some planning.... but with a baby well that is another story. the clothes the snowsuit (which i never put on my baby in the carseat, YEAH right), the hat, which doesn't make it out the door on her head, the boots....ok i forgot the boots in the car, so they are far to cold to put on these little squirmy toes......25 minutes late we are off. Only to listen to my baby cry for the 7 minutes I force her in the car to drive to babysit two little kids.
Oh the fun it is to be a mom again over 40!
 I am tired.....
Having kids when I was younger (a kid myself) seemed easier, or was it that I was just so dumb to know how tired i really was?  Oh well, what does it matter now, I certainly am not going to continue to think about it when i could be taking a nap, :)
My 20 year old daughter just messaged me on FaceBook asking me what I was up to..... my answer, oh you know stay at home mom stuff, in reality not at lot, but somehow it takes ALL day to do!!
please know that I am not saying that stay at home moms do not do anything all day...but god does it feel like it day after day after day.
what is your schedule like?